An Easy Party

An Easy Party

  The holidays can bring great joy and a schedule full of parties. Which in turn can create stress and busyness. Especially if you are hosting. I have personally done almost every event under the sun. I have hosted 32 family members for Thanksgiving and done an event  that only had three people.  I've had [...]

Too Much Drinking

Too Much Drinking

The holiday's can be so much fun!! They can also encompass too much of a good thing. I believe in moderation in almost all things. Too much sleep, your lazy. Too much sugar; you're a glutton. Too much exercise; your obsessed. Too much of extended family; you loose relationships (Or secretly wish you could have [...]

Money and Marriage

Money and Marriage

Prominent research firms tell us that the top 2 leading causes for marital strain (and divorce) is money and sex.  I think most people would agree with this statement even if it wasn't backed by statistics.  Interestingly enough, both of these have a common denominator that works like a virus, slowly infecting every aspect of [...]

Gratefully Delicious

Gratefully Delicious

I am thrilled to bring you my most favorite recipes for the holiday season! I am grateful to have these beautiful recipes from many amazing individuals and resources and I hope they make your festivities lighter and more gratefully delicious! I am so grateful for every single one of you and your suport in this [...]

True Love

True Love

Love is in the air with Holiday's rapidly approaching!  Everyone is more giving and more thoughtful. They are also more stressed and rushed and panicked to get everything right before the jolly man in the red suit shows up. Grab those roses, gifts that come in small boxes, and reservations for those sold out restaurants. [...]